BFM Exhibition | #Ugly Girl# Mickey Solo Exhibition



2022日10月15日,BFM艺术中心签约艺术家Mickey陈慧茹个展#Ugly Girl 怪怪女#如期开幕,艺术工作者,艺术机构,艺术爱好者,媒体及文化艺术相关企业等汇聚一堂,现场见证作为苏州湾首家及唯一一家当代艺术空间和专业画廊的BFM艺术中心又一次"0"的突破,首位签约艺术家的正式亮相,在苏州艺术圈又投下一块激起涟漪的石子。


本次展出的Mickey陈慧茹的所有Ugly Girl 系列作品均为首次在线下场馆集体亮相,由于Mickey宣布本次展览后将停止Ugly Girl 系列创作,所以这也将是Ugly Girl系列第一次也可能将是唯一一次全系列完整展出,具有相当的看点。




为契合艺术家Mickey的作品宗旨“自由自在”,本场开幕式的主题为“LET’S PARTY",由艺术家Mickey陈慧茹和策展人Avy杨娅薇进行简短的致辞后,表演嘉宾倦海乐队领衔开启了自由交流的派对环节。





谢谢大家来参加我的Ugly Girl展览开幕。



For my friends, thanks for coming. I am not going to repeat everything. However, I do have to say that everything you see is somewhat a sudden inspiration of some moments in my life. It is mainly about my personal experiences and feelings. To me, a piece of artwork is only done when there is a creator and a viewer. So, now I am leaving my works to you all and you are going to complete them.







本次展出的是Mickey最新系列Ugly Girl 的全系列绘画作品,部分签名版画作品以及部分装置作品。Mickey各个时期的作品有一定跨度,为了让大家能够更加全面的了解艺术家,我们这次还展出了她的一部分文献资料包括她过往的一些手稿,之前出过版过的书,部分展览的画册,在国内外上过的期刊杂志等。







#Ugly Girl 怪怪女#

Mickey 陈慧茹  

Solo Exhibition 个展







East Tai Lake Ecologic Tourism Resort Management Committee






展期 DURATION | 2022.10.15——2022.11.20

地址 LOCATION |苏州市苏州湾东太湖大道11666号开平商务中心南广场约塔, 215200 Iota Tower, South Square Kaiping Business Center, No. 11666 DongTaihu Avenue, Suzhou Bay ,Suzhou City, P.R.China, 215200

#Ugly Girl怪怪女# 算是Mickey的一个比较直白的自画像系列。虽然从最早在秘鲁和墨西哥时期的波谱作品和后期在广州的拼贴,涂鸦,数码,影像,装置,行为等,Mickey似乎一直是在从自己的身体、形象、生活场景和生命体验出发去创作,每一件作品中都有她自己的影子在,但直到最近的Ugly Girl时期,她才开始深入的与自己对话,诚实的用画笔记录下自己的多重性格的画像。

#Ugly Girl# is one of the most straightforward self-portrait series of Mickey. From the very early POP art period in Peru and Mexico and later the experimental arts period in Guangzhou including collage, doodle, digital, installation and performance, Mickey has been using her own body, image, life scenes and life experiences as her own inspiration of art, and with no doubts that every piece of her work shows a bit of herself. However, not until recently, she started having more profound dialogues with herself through Ugly Girl and honestly illustrating her multiple roles and emotions by her works.

大量的使用价格低廉随处可取的材料、简单直接的原色、粗糙毫无技法讲究的线条,却能轻易的构建出一个个深入人心的作品。夸张的大嘴,张狂的表情,扭曲的身体,藏在各个角落的解构重组的文本,是Mickey的标志性符号,很怪,但却很可爱,跃然纸上饱满的情绪给观者带来强烈的代入感。从她的作品中可以看到很多人的影子,梵高,毕加索,巴斯奎特,凯斯哈林,奈良美智,但你绝对不会感觉到她在抄袭,因为每一个作品都有着她自己强烈的个人风格在主导着画面,艺术家与作品完美融合的那种“实感“是Mickey 作品最有魅力的地方,而那些影子或许就只是一种真正的天才艺术家之间的神交而已。

She uses cheap and on-hand materials, primary colors, rough and primitive way to create a series of memorable works. The overly exaggerated big mouth, dramatic facial expression, twisted body and the message of deconstruction are the symbols and codes of Mickey’s own. It is weird but cute, and the vibrant emotion brings the viewer strong sense of self-existence. From her works you can see Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Piccaso, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring and Yashitomo Nara, but you would never feel that she has been trying hard to imitate them; instead, every piece of her works carries her own personal style. And it is that her very own personal style controlling and dominating the canvas completely. The most attractive part of Mickey’s works is the kind of “real”, that herself is just her works, which makes you feel that those her similarities with other masters are just a commonality between genius, but not faking.


作为一个生于70年代初在流行艺术上探索的华人女性艺术家,Mickey是一个非常特别的存在。她像一个长不大的孤僻的怪小孩,简单天真地活着,吃冰激淋, 抓娃娃,养流浪猫,画画,幻想。她的作品是成人与孩童的混合,这点和刘野的作品有些相通之处。她最大的希望是能让更多的人看到和喜欢自己的作品,所以她愿意与每一个收藏她作品的藏家分享版权。同时,她认为自己每个创作阶段都有其特殊存在的意义,然而这份意义都是有期限的,所以每做完一个系列她就会完全放下,去寻求更多的可能。这份坦然决然的自信也让她的作品镀上一层更加迷人的色彩。

Being a Chinese female artist born in the 70s, Mickey is a unique entity. She is like a lonely/weird kid who chooses not to grow up. While she is living simple and innocently, she eats her ice cream, plays with her doll, cares for the stray cats she picks up from the street, doodles and fantasizes. Her artworks are the mixtures of an adult and a child. This is somewhat similar to the artworks of Liu Ye. Mickey hopes more people see her works and like her works, that is why she is willing to share her copy rights with every collector. She thinks that every stage of her creation carries different meanings. Each stage has its expiration date, so after she feels that a series of work is done, she stops it completely and starts to look for other possibilities. This is also how and why she makes her artworks more attractive and valuable.


策展人 杨娅薇

Curator Avy Yang

郑闻 Zheng Wen
著名策展人  艺术评论家
杨娅薇 Avy Yang
出品人 策展人  BFM艺术中心创始人








BFM ART CENTER locates in the CBD area of Suzhou Bay,being the first contemporary art space and professional Gallery in this area. BFM focuses on the exploring and producing of art talents, the promoting of public art in China, and the international communicating of Chinese contemporary art. Based on Suzhou Bay, it devotes to unite the forces from all the artists, art workers, art academies, art organizations and art lovers, to start from Suzhou City, to introduce Chinese contemporary to the world.










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联系电话Tel: 0086 512 66985666

地址 | Address

苏州市苏州湾东太湖大道11666号开平商务中心南广场约塔, 215200

Iota Tower, South Square Kaiping Business Center, No. 11666  DongTaihu Avenue, Suzhou Bay ,Suzhou City, P.R.China, 215200











